Goods and suppliers search, order placement and delivery to destination.

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Thousands of enterpreneurs around the world earning money on the goods made in China! Businessmen find here the goods according to their own needs and requiries: from the toys for the kids to the high technology equipment. Inspite of the growing interest to chinese direction, competition is still quite modest. Our company will simplify the process of your ecquaintance with chinese market.
Suppliers search
We have a base of approved suppliers in different fields. Ask us, and our company will find reliable supplier for you.
Order placement
With our help you will discuss all conditions and timeframes with the suppliers, also make agreement on the quality, technical requirements and standarts of the goods.
Goods inspection
Our company will inspect your goods during the production process or before the shipment.
Distribution compamy purchases
You have a big list of items? Open China will learn all the ins and outs, and order what you exactly in need of.
Samples delivery
Before make an agreement with Chinese suppliers about mass production, we advise you to ask for the samples firstly. Our team will find a good option for you, which will cost eсceptable time and money for you.
Goods delivery
We will help you to choose the logistic company and choose the rate. Organize the delivery to the loading place.
Сost of services
How we will help you
+7 (495) 769-96-89
+7 (915) 411-07-69
+87 (130) 268 96 747
ID WeChat:shiloveach
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